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Enter these codes in the dialog box by pressing T or F1:
eyeofgod 	-allows extra level of zoom on lower level machines
twobyfour 	-builds units (ex: twobyfour dragoon)
hermes 		-speeds up building of units
donkeys 	-shoot jeeps instead of missiles
morningafter 	-removes fog of war
gimmiegimmie 	-allows you to build everything, even without command center
unclejohn 	-god mode
chaching 	-adds 10,000 to cash 
mrmuscle 	-upgrades player's armor
bigsofty 	-downgrades enemy armor
coffee 		-upgrades player's speed
beer 		-downgrades enemy speed
shaft		-upgrade player's firepower
shank		-downgrade enemy's firepower

saladtossed 	-choose any level. 
		First enter the code, then exit the current mission 
		and press Ctrl + H + W at the Main Menu. 
		Then, click on "Load" and select any mission.


Thanks to J. Linick, Richard Alabanza, Joe (FuegoRojo) Racke, Corin Shale, Ryan Kelsey!