god | God Mode |
notarget | No Target Mode |
noclip | No Clipping |
give all | All items, weapons, 999 ammo |
give jacketarmor | Jacket Armor |
give blaster | Blaster |
give shotgun | Shotgun |
give sshotgun | Super Shotgun |
give machinegun | Machine gun |
give grenadelauncher | Grenade Launcher |
give rocketlauncher | Rocket Launcher |
give shells | Shells |
give bullets | Bullets |
give cells | Cells |
give grenades | Grenades |
give rockets | Rockets |
give slugs | Slugs |
give quad damage | Quad Damage |
give invulnerability | Invulnerability |
give silencer | Silencer |
give rebreather | Rebreather |
give health | 100% health |
give weapons | All weapons |
give ammo | All ammo |
give armor | Body armor |
To skip levels:
Press ~ to access the console, then type map xx where x is the level
name. To get level name go to multiplay, host game, and select level name you
wish to skip to (the bottom name is the name of the level). For instance, ~
map boss2 will take you to the final level.