MANTIS Gives players elongated arms, legs, and necks. NHLKIDS Makes players kidsize. AWAYGOAL Gives away team a goal. HOMEGOAL Gives home team a goal. PENALTY Causes a penalty. INJURY Causes an injury. ZAMBO Puts the zamboni on the ice. VICTORY Starts fireworks over the rink. FLASH Cameras flashes from the stands. SPOTS Turns on the pre-game spotlights. CHECK Every players automatically body checks an opposing player to the ice upon contact. GRAB Similar to CHECK but with a stick hold instead of a check.
Go to the credits screen and select Programmers, then type these:
EAONLINE Allows Internet play warp9 REALLY speeds up the game!
Super Players:
Go to "Create Player" and type in the name of one of the people in
the Main Credits. It will ask you if you want the same settings as this player.
Click yes. He will be Maxed out.