god - Godmode ON/OFF
noclip - Noclipping ON/OFF
notarget - Enemys donґt recognice you ON/OFF
skill # - Changes skill level (0-3)
map X - Changes level on client (X-Level Name)
changelevel X - Changes level on server (X-Level Name)
- 1 -Blackmarsh
- demo2 - Barbican
- demo3 - The Mill
- village1 -Kingґs Court
- village2 -Inner Courtyard
- village3 -Stables
- village4 -Palace Entrance
- village5 -The Forgotten Chapel
- rider1a -Famineґs Domain
- meso2 - Plaza of the Sun
- meso1 -The Palace of Columns
- meso3 -Square of the Stream
- meso4 -Tomb of the High Priest
- meso5 -Obelisk of the Moon
- meso6 -Court of 1000 Warriors
- meso8 -Bridge of Stars
- meso9 -Well of Souls
- egypt1 -Temple of Horus
- egypt2 - Ancient Temple of Nefertum
- egypt3 - Temple of Nefertum
- egypt4 - Palace of the Pharaoh
- egypt5 - Pyramid of Anubis
- egypt6 - Temple of Light
- egypt7 - Shrine of Naos
- rider2c - Pestilenceґs Lair
- romeric1 - The Hall of Heroes
- romeric2 - Gardens of Athena
- romeric3 - Forum of Zeus
- romeric4 - Baths of Demetrius
- romeric5 - Temple of Mars
- romeric6 - Coliseum of War
- romeric7 - Reflecting Pool
- cath - Cathedral
- tower - Tower of the Dark Mage
- castle4 - The Underhalls
- castle5 - Eidolonґs Ordeal
- eidolon - Eidolonґs Lair
- ravdm1 - Atrium of Immolation
- ravdm2 - Total Carnage
- ravdm3 - Reckless Abandon
- ravdm4 - Temple of RA
- ravdm5 - Tom FooleryDemo
restart - Restarts the level
name X - Changes your name (X-New Name)
give h X - Gives health (X-Amount of health. Maximum 999)
give 2 - Gives weapon 2
give 3 - Gives weapon 3
give 4 - Gives weapon 4
impulse 9 - All Weapons/Mana
impulse 14 - Gives you a Sheep
impulse 23 - Torch
impulse 43 - All Weapons/Mana/Items
impulse 44 - Throws a Item
impulse 10 - Change Weapon
impulse 13 - Lift Object
impulse 100 - Uses the Torch
impulse 101 - Uses the Quartz Flask
impulse 102 - Uses the Mystic Urn
impulse 103 - Uses the Krater
impulse 104 - Uses the Chaos Device
impulse 105 - Uses the Tome of Tower
impulse 106 - Uses the Summon Stone
impulse 107 - Uses the Invisibility
impulse 108 - Uses the Glyph
impulse 109 - Uses the Boots
impulse 110 - Uses the Repulsion
impulse 111 - Uses the No Peep
impulse 112 - Uses the Ring Of Flight
impulse 113 - Uses the Force Cube
impulse 114 - Uses the Icon Defn
chase_active 1 - Chase Mode (Camera)
r_fullbright x - Lights on
status - Information about the current situation
crosshair x - Crosshair ON/OFF
help - Help menu
clear - Clear console window
screenshot - PCX dump
kill - Player dies and restarts the level
timerefresh - Frames per second
showturtle x - If the frame rate is blow 10 a turtle will be displayed
version - Version number
sv_friction # - Changes friction (4)
sv_gravity # - Changes gravity (800)
sv_maxspeed # - Max speed (800)
r_drawentities x - All objects ON/OFF
r_drawflat x - All textures ON/OFF
r_waterwarp x - Underwater effects
fov # - Change view (90)
d_mipscale # - Change mip scale (1)
nosound x - Sound ON/OFF
vid_describemode #< - Informations about mode #
vid_describemodes - Shows all graphic modes
vid_describecurrentmode - Informationen about current graphic mode
vid_mode # - Changes graphic mode
vid_nopageflip x - Page flipping ON/OFF
vid_nummodes - # of modes
vid_testmode # - 5 sec graphic mode test
vid_wait - Sets wait mode
demos - Plays the built-in demos
stop - Stops the recording of a demo
cd eject - Ejects CD
cd loop