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Press \ and then type in the following code during gameplay:

Demo Version
BLOODLUST Weapon power up
FUSHIPI God mode
GUNS All weapons and ammo
TUNNEL Walk through walls
XMAS Gain all items
Full Version
AIMOVE Enemy AI toggle
AMOBJECT Shows objects on automap
ARMS Gain all weapons and ammo
BLOAD Level warp
BLUB Slow-motion toggle
DIG Walk through walls
DUNHOUR Kill all enemies
FMK Gain full health
FRAME Display framerate
GIFT Gain all items
GOBBET Gib Yourself(?)
GPS Display location
GRAV Lower gravity level
GUNS Take away ammo
OREILLY Radar tracker
OUCH Hurt yourself
OVERDRIVE Microchip powerup
POED Zero Gravity
RAGAMUFFIN Invincibility toggle
SPUTNIK Full automap
VICI End level